Op-Ed: It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way, We Found a Better Way

Gov. Kasich and former State Sen. Nina Turner co-authored a CNN op-ed about the work they did in Ohio to improve police and community relations.

See an excerpt below and read the full op-ed here. You can also watch their interview here.

"As flames rose in Minneapolis last Tuesday. and spread block by block, and then turned into violence and unrest in communities across the nation -- including our home state of Ohio -- many couldn't see past the wrongful acts to the underlying factor that drove them: pain..."

"Though it is predictable that those whose pain and rights have been long ignored will seek increasingly stronger ways to obtain the justice and respect they deserve, it is not inevitable that violence is necessary to achieve a just resolution. The respect of listening is the most powerful antidote to alienation. In the course of listening, people of good faith often learn something they didn't know and acting on this new knowledge to improve our communities can unleash something radically transformative: peace.

This isn't pie-in-the-sky. It's real and it works. We know because it worked for us..."

Read the full op-ed here.

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